![]() Had an experiment tonight with the nylon rope attempting quite successfully to join the sally rope and the normal thin bell rope. So now the principle is proved the work can begin properly to make one up to test it. Seaside towns always have ships chandlers which sell rope you can feel and check before you buy. Cowes in the Isle of Wight is just such a place where I found reasonably priced 6mm nylon rope to replace the short and joined current ropes. Also found some lovely thicker 15mm rope coloured in the traditional red whit blue sally colours which I hope to melt into the ropes to represent proper ropes. Should end up with ropes at a fraction of the cost. Could end up with eight ropes for £26!
Today was the first time we had enough ringers on site to have a proper ring of the complete six. Perhaps as the video proves this was not the most perfect rounds but great fun was had by all including those watching. A gift of a box of bells has resulted in a long awaited find. A bell which is a suitable note to be a treble and make a proper scale of six. Quickly fitted today after acquiring the bell yesterday, the Palace Campanile is now a proper six with all bells in the right scale and correct tone apart. The old treble has now finally taken its true place as the proper second in the ring and the bells sound much better as a result. Many thanks have to go Jim Currin for the bells.
After finishing off the interior lining for the end wall so that it did not need to come off again. The lining needed to go to the roof and access to this area is restricted once the frames are in place. The beams had to be trimmed slightly as a result of the roof work which allowed them to fit perfectly this time. The frames were erected with the back four frame going in first. The bells were put back into the pits and then the second frame was erected. Suddenly the bells were complete again and rang out again. This means that all the major items displaced as a result of the roof work is now back in place and even the lights were reassembled too. Massive clean up too......test ring to be arranged.
Went to help out at Kingsbury church today - they were having a recruitment day. As part of this their training dumb bell was put into action. My two kids had a go it being the smallest first go proper at the grand old age of four. The approx four foot wheel sits in a steel frame with a weight to simulate the bell. The rope is a proper bell rope which comes down the treble rope guide. The comparison to my mini ring was made and considering the size of the simulator I was surprised to find the wheel being that small as it rang like a full sized bell but without the noise!
![]() Remarkably easy to take each bell out of its pit and lower the assembly to the ground along with the frames and even the beams. So currently back to square one again. With the insulation and roofing work going on around the bells work has started to remove them. Only a temporary measure but a very necessary one as the mounting beams are being lowered two inches.
Looking at insulating and lining the building around the palace ring. This may mean that the ringing installation may need to be temporarily lowered to the ground whilst the work is carried out.
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December 2024