The bells were rung for experience after the Lichfield and Walsall youth practice at St Giles. Various rounds were rung and even some plain bob minor with success
An impromptu set of visitors after they were on day two of four of their annual ringing tour. Came and rang several courses and helped move the car from underneath.
Had some visitors today who came and rang the bells and a good course of Plain Bob Minor after they had a successful quarter peal day.
The tenor was tolled 96 times to coincide with the transfer of the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth coffin to Westminster Abbey for her state funeral. Requiescet in pace
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022 Acquired a eight rope spider from a local tower where it has sat for many decades and is of no use. Seemingly a homemade unit but now painted and back in proper use. Nice heavy metal weight so enough to pull the cord down on its own which works well.
My new ropes arrived today as the nylon ones were not a success at the long term strength and kept breaking. These ropes made by Maypole Bells and look really smart. Make the bells much easier to ring as well now that there are proper sallies to look for and use.
Replaced the 3lb 5oz chromed ex police or fire engine bell today with a heavier 5ib 15 oz brass bell which came in the same box from Jim Currin. This bell is a much nicer more strident note and is almost identical in tone. Looks right and sounds nicer. Was worried it was a little too high in note but now hung and rung seems to fit in well. Still looking for a treble to complete the eight but nearly there after twenty years since starting.
Augmented today with a bargain bell found on table top sale. Miraculously the bell tunes to become the new second of the eight. The clapper has a new counterweight cast and awaits assembly. Now I need to find a top F sharp to complete the octave.
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January 2024